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Lavender (AI targeting system) assigns a numerical score, from one to a hundred, to every man in Gaza, based mainly on cellphone and social media data, and automatically adds those with high scores to its kill list of suspected militants. Israel uses another automated system, known as “Where’s Daddy?”, to call in airstrikes to kill these men and their families in their homes.”



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“Three excellent points for adopting the primal/paleo/ancestral lifestyle: “(a) rejects the government’s socialist-corporate-influenced food pyramid (b) questions the conventional wisdom of the Big Food-Medical Establishment oligarchy, © and purges the Standard American Diet (gluten, sugars, fructose, industrial oils, processed foods, junk foods, junk beverages, etc.), while it teaches folks how to get back to eating real food and real fat in celebration of seeking independence from the establishment and embracing personal sovereignty and freedom of choice.””

Karen DeCoster

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